Lodge Moledet - Hebrew Order of David International

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Picnic in Park Ra'anana
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Dear W/B  and Brethren
In order to bring those brethren together that we seldom, if ever, see in Open Lodge, it was decided to alternate and to hold Open Lodge meetings only and every second month and have bimonthly chaverschaft functions. This has been working successfully but we would still like to see more brethren at these functions which have been most enjoyable.
Last December we had a Soup and Bagel which was catered by Brenda Fine's daughter. It was held at Beit Fisher and the hall was packed out. There was a delicious soup and an abundance of bagels with three different kids of fillings.  Everyone came for second helpings and there were still so much left over that the brethren were asked to take some home. This was followed by an quiz run by Hillary Waldman. Anyone who did not attend missed a most entertaining evening.
In May of this year we had a braai at the home of Estelle Slavin who kindly offered the use of her beautiful garden in Kochav Yair. This too was well attended by about 35 brethren and wives.
A picnic in the park was held at the end of last month (July). Once again about 30 brethren and wives attended. Everyone brought their own picnic basket and watermelon and marshmallows were provided by the Lodge. This was a real chaverschaft function in that everyone mixed freely caught up on the latest news. There was a most pleasant atmosphere and an enjoyable time was had by all.
We are hoping to have another Soup and Bagel evening in December. If anyone has any other ideas for a chaverscaft function, please let us know.
On the 23rd September we will be holding our annual memorial meeting in memory of those of our brethren who have passed on. You will be receiving reminders of this meeting and we appeal to you to diarize the date now and make every effort to attend this meeting.                   
Eric Horwitz
Chairman Functions Sub-Committee

On Wednesday night, 21 June 2007, over 40 people enjoyed the most marvelous curry evening in the garden of Denyse & Sam Kirsch. It was a great chaverschaft social event and it was enjoyed by all. Many Lodge HaSharon Brethren were there.

Dr. Len Stein addressed the Lodge on 24 November 2004. Len, a past member of Lodge Moledet, is the author of "The Murderer Said Shalom"

The regular Open Lodge Meeting is held at the end of the Month in Ra'anana.
Open Lodge meetings are only for members of the HOD. If you would like to become a member of the HOD, please contact Moshe at abro@netvision.net.il for more information.

Recent Events

On 20 June 2002 we had a great braai at Beit Issie Shapiro. Kol Hakavod to Claude and his team for making it all happen. Freda - the salads were great - Kol Hakavod to you and your team.
We all had a good time. Teddy kept us entertained by describing how to cut a watermelon in a way that everyone will get a great tasty slice.

We had a great Quiz evening at Table Lodge. All the kudos go to Worthy Brother David Gelfand - well done! Thanks also to our great quizmaster, Worthy Brother Ralph Lanesman.

To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.