Lodge Moledet - Hebrew Order of David International
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There is information about Chagim and Yiddishkeit on this page.



123 Greetings





A Great Miracle Happened There

Stories and recipes of the traditional foods of Chanukah.



About.com Chanukah Site

Chanukah story, blessings, recipes, songs, kids page, dreidel game rules, and gift ideas.



Akhlah: Hanukah for children

Hanukah Traditions, blessings, Hebrew vocabulary and much more for children and educators.



Artistic Judaic Promotions

A unique gift gallery representing Israeli and Judaic artists who create handcrafted jewelry, fine Judaica, ketubahs and artwork.



Billy Bear's Hanukkah

Hanukkah for Children's Smiles. Games to play, Clipart, Color and Email your Hanukkah cards and more.



Chadis Crafts Fun Pages - Chanukah Crafts and More!

Chanukah crafts to make including Eileen's original beadie projects, Clay/Rubber Stamp jewelry, Beeswax sheet candles. Links to hundreds of Chanukah sites for education, crafts, recipes and more!



Chanuka.com - The Jewish Festival of lights, latkes, gifts and songs.

Learn about Chanukah, top 10 gift list, light a menorah, and celebrate the festival of lights, songs, prayers, history, recipes and send a free greeting card.


The Month of Elul
Elul is a month of mercy and forgiveness. In preparation for the High Holy Days the days of judgment that culminate in Yom Kippur, during Elul we pay special attention to blessings, greetings, prayer, forgiveness and confession, charity, acts of repentence, and our relationships with our fellow-man. The name Elul is Babylonian, and is mentioned in the book of Nehemia: So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth day of Elul (Nehemia 6:15).
(With thanks to Brother Norman Silbert)

17th of Tamuz - Day of Fasting
The 17th day of the month of Tammuz, marks the beginning of a three-week mourning period for the destruction of the Holy Temples. On this day 1,934 years ago, the conquering Romans breached the
walls of Jerusalem, leading to the burning of the Second Temple on the ninth day of Av, three weeks later. (The first Holy Temple was also destroyed on the ninth of Av, some 500 years earlier.) Jews around the world are fasting today in commemoration of the Jerusalem wall-breach, the breaking of the Tablets of the Law at Sinai 3,314 years ago, and other tragedies that occurred on this date.

You can send e-mail messages to moledet@gmail.com.