Lodge Moledet - Hebrew Order of David International
Photo Album - Reviewing Lodge Moledet's Achievements
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Picnic in Park Ra'anana
Fund Raising

Link to the HOD meeting held in Ra'anana on 23 May 2024. HOD, Hebrew Order of David Event in Israel - Lodge Moledet with Lodge Ir David and London Lodges

Combined Installation 31 May 2011 - facebook album

Combined Installation 31 May, 2011 - Google web album

Lodge Moledet's annual picnic in Park Ra'anana 27 July 2011 - facebook album

Lodge Moledet's annual picnic in Park Ra'anana 27 July 2011 - Google web album

Click this link to see photos taken at the 2006 Combined Installation in Israel, 26th March 2006.

Click this link to see another album of photos taken at the 2006 Combined Installation in Israel, 26th March 2006.

Picnic in the Park - 23 June 2004

Celebration in Israel of the HOD Centenary and 25 Years of HOD in Israel

Lodge Moledet Distributes Funds Raised to Various Deserving Causes

Photos taken at Neve Michal

Chunaku party at Beit Zimmerman 12 December 2004

Dr Len Stein addresses the Lodge

Photos taken when presenting funds to Beit Issie Shapiro